Kranji @nterprises
Kranji Secondary School's student-run enterprises
took off in 1997 when four joint ventures were initiated.
Several companies consigned products like educational
CD-ROMs, computer accessories and electronic goods
to the school, to be sold at shops located in the
school and run entirely by the students. The young
entrepreneurs are selected based on their leadership
potential, sense of responsibility and sense of
service and contribution to the community.
Setting up these enterprises instil in students
a sense of entrepreneurship and provides them with
the opportunity to have a hand in running small
businesses in a relatively risk-free environment.
In the course of running these enterprises, students
learn to value teamwork and are encouraged to implement
ideas and solutions proposed by themselves to resolve
problems. This helps to inculcate independent learning.
Useful life skills are internalised. Students begin
to have a better appreciation of the relevance of
what they have studied in the classroom in relation
to managing these enterprises.
Companies see their participation in the programme
as an opportunity to contribute towards the education
of our young. It also helps to create greater awareness
of their products and expand their market as the
school hopes to attract customers from cluster schools
and the neighbourhood.
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Setting up student e-commerce enterprises
Participating in work shadowing
Participating in mentoring schemes
Sponsoring school programmes
Organising career-related events
Conducting mini research projects