need a warm and stable environment in which to cultivate sound
moral values, intellectual and social skills and to realise
their potential. For this reason, the home, school and community
need to come together to build the best learning environment
for them.
The various ways to realise this tripartite collaboration can
be as creative and as far-reaching as the partners in education
choose to make them. Effective home-school-community connection
is certain to yield lasting benefits for all our children. There
is much to share among fellow stakeholders.
'Home, School and Community Partnerships' explains how successful
collaborations have evolved, and is intended to promote successful
practices among all those who have a stake in the education
of our young. It aims to foster ties that bind.
We hope that parents, teachers and members of the public will
continue to play an active part in shaping the lives of our
Rear-Admiral Teo Chee Hean
Minister for Education
Nov 2000
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