Primavera (Spring)
Primavera Student Care Centre provides before-and-after
school care which emphasises character development.
This is a joint project between St. Anthony's Canossian
Primary and Fengshan Citizens' Consultative Committee
The Fengshan CCC, which is located opposite the
school, lets out its premises to the school at a
nominal rate while the school sees to the overall
running of the centre. The centre is manned by parent
volunteers, teachers, sisters from the convent and
paid staff. Some financial aid comes from well-wishers.
The centre reaches out to students, who need the
extra support, especially those from single-parent
families and students without adult supervision
at home.
Students, who attend the centre, are strengthened
in the school's mission of educating young girls
to be responsible, conscientious and other-centred.

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Providing counselling and psychological services
Befriending students
Setting up Before-and After-School
Care Centres
Initiating tuition programmes
Sharing expertise